Thursday, October 24, 2013

HIV and Adoption

Hey guys!

It's me Steph! Are you all just in love with this new site? I totally, it looks amazing! I love how all the countries are all together as one now! How awesome!

Ok, so we shared this post a while back on the Africa site, and I thought it'd be nice to repost it here again since we're all together now, and since the topic doesn't just exist in Africa.


Let's talk about it.

I'm going to repost the original post below, comment with any questions you have that don't get answered, or if you just wanna talk.  We'll get you in touch with some people who can chat with you more about it.  I promise it's really not that scary.

Begin repost...

Hey guys! I'm so excited to share this guest post with you today.  I "met" Katie through the adoption network and was so excited that she agreed to guest post for us about HIV and adoption.  Let's me honest, our information about HIV is probably outdated, and fears might be present when thinking about adopting a child that his HIV+, but the reality is that there are children in the world who need homes and have this disease, so whether you're adopting a + child yourself or have entertained the idea justonce, here is some info that will hopefully help you along the way...

So, here's Katie!

"Our adoption agency has this amazing group of people... families really, from all over the USA (and the world) that are in the process of adopting their sweet kiddos from Ethiopia. Over the past 3 years we’ve connected with many of them via social media and have had the pleasure of meeting a few handfuls of them IRL. We’ve been home with B & M for 17 months now, and with 6 kids, I’m just starting to feel like I’m getting my groove back.

Having adopted two sweet children with HIV, we’ve learned a lot over the last couple of years, and somehow I’ve been asked to share that information so that others may glean from it.
We live in the information age. With the advent of the internet, information is at our fingertips. It is our responsibility to review it and assess its validity based on the authors’ credentials and if the website is trustworthy. Please bear in mind, I am not a physician. I would encourage any of you exploring these topics to contact your local PID (physician of infectious disease) and ask these questions of them as well.
The majority of the information that I’m sharing, is not new. There are a lot of valuable resources we accessed when researching HIV. The majority of it we learned from fellow HIV adoptive mama and advocate, Carolyn Twietmeyer, and the Project Hopeful website. There are many other resources that affirm these details. Many we discovered while doing our own research.
Let’s start with facts.
The CDC states: "Only specific fluids (blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk) from an HIV-infected person can transmit HIV. These specific fluids must come in contact with a mucous membrane or damaged tissue or be directly injected into the blood-stream (from a needle or syringe) for transmission to possibly occur." (source:
In case you missed it, you can only contract HIV in three primary ways.

  • Unprotected sex
  • Sharing of needles
  • By birth/breastfeeding
With that being said, let’s try and answer some of the questions:

What precautions do you have to take in the home? To glove or not to glove?

We do have latex gloves, wipes, and a first aid kit available should either of our beauties scrape a knee, etc. But honestly, I typically just get a wet paper towel and wipe the blood away, and put a bandaid on... just like I would with any of my other kids. I don’t ever pull out the latex gloves... because honestly, your skin is the BEST barrier available. I just wash my hands with soap after cleaning up after any blood.
Again, from Project Hopeful’s website, “HIV has never been transmitted through normal family living conditions. It cannot be transmitted through casual contact. HIV is not found in sweat, urine, feces, tears, saliva or mucus. It is found in blood, semen and vaginal secretions, as well as breast milk”.
That’s it. So, you can drink from the same cup, hug, and even give a kiss on the lips, without fear.
Again, the degree of risk is often directly related to the person’s viral load. If the child is on a proper regimen of ARV’s the risk of transmission is near zero."

“Viral load is the greatest risk factor for HIV transmission, and lowering the viral load is critical to
interrupting transmission and preventing morbidity and mortality. Studies suggest that the risk
of transmission is near zero when the viral load is below 1500 copies/mm3.”

Will he/she be able to have children? What about unprotected sex within a marriage?

This is an area that is becoming much more of a reality than it ever was before. Let’s look at the second question first. Can a husband or wife with HIV have unprotected sex? Research is showing us the following:
A recent trial has confirmed if an HIV-positive person adheres to an effective antiretroviral therapy regimen, the risk of transmitting the virus to their uninfected sexual partner can be reduced by 96%. For couples in which one partner is HIV-positive and the other HIV-negative, WHO recommends offering ART (anti retroviral treatment) for the HIV-positive partner regardless of her/his CD4 count.
This is encouraging news. ARV’s continue to be a valuable asset in fighting off the HIV virus. So much so, that it can reduce the risk by 96%. Clearly a step in the right direction.

As it relates to having children, there continues to be much discussion and debate over the how, but again, with the development of ARV’s, the answer is yes, a person with HIV will be able to have a child with very little chance of transmitting the virus, if he/she is on an effect ARV treatment regimen.

“Can I have children if I have HIV? Yes. If you want to be a parent, having HIV shouldn’t stop you. There are several options for HIV-positive women and men who want to be parents.”
In addition to the information above, research is currently being gathered that may suggest that sperm washing may not be needed. Clearly far from definitive, but this information provides hope that one day, additional measures may not be required for individuals living with HIV to have regular sexual relations with their spouse and the ability to conceive children.
“Draft UK guidance on fertility treatment says that sperm washing may no longer be necessary for couples where the man has HIV and the woman does not. As long as the man is on effective antiretroviral treatment and unprotected sex is limited to days when his partner is ovulating, “sperm washing may not further reduce the risk of infection.”

What is the life expectancy of a person with HIV? When does HIV turn into AIDS?

HIV is considered a chronic but manageable disease. With the advance of medicine, through the administration of ARV’s, those that have HIV are no longer given the death sentence of AIDS that they once were. A person with HIV can live a full life, with no health limitations, as long as their viral load remains low, or even undetectable, thanks to the effectiveness of ARV’s, as well as maintaining a high CD4 count (white blood cells, which fight off infection).

“In general, maintaining a higher CD4 count promised significant extra years of life. Five years into ARV treatment, 35-year-old male patients with counts between 350 and 500 could expect to live to 77—and to 81 if their CD4 counts were higher than 500.”

HIV only turns into AIDS if a person’s immune system is not able to fight off secondary infections due to a high viral load. This happens in places where there are often poor living conditions (ie. disease from unsafe drinking water, lack of proper nutrition), and medications/ARV’s are not readily available.

Who in my small/rural community needs to know?

Regardless of whether you live in a small community or a large one, legally speaking, no one needs to know. Thanks to “universal precautions” you don’t need to tell anyone. Your child can play sports at any level (pre-school to high school) without ever having to tell anyone. Full disclosure is a personal choice.  

However, we have found that it can be a great opportunity to educate those in your circle of friends/family. If we don’t stand up and be a voice, how will the untrue information, stigma, discrimination from the 80’s re: HIV and AIDS end? Something that you’ll need to pray about with your spouse/family.

How much will the ARV's cost? Will my insurance company cover the cost of the meds?

This really depends on the insurance company, as well as the medications that your PID physcian prescribes. In my experience, with each of our 2 kiddos on 3 meds each, our copay was $60-$100 per month, per child. But depending on what state you live in, there are some really great programs out there that will cover these fees as well. In the great state of Ohio, we have a government program that is actually beneficial to our kiddos (shocking, I know). It's called the Bureau of Children with Medical Handicaps, also known as BCMH. After calling our county health department, providing income information, as well as insurance coverage available, we were approved for both our kiddos to have full coverage until their 18th birthday. This applies to all BCMH participating providers (including their PID -infectious disease doc, labs, pharmacy, specialist appts. with the cardiologist, eye doctor etc) Therefore, we pay nothing. zilch. nada. for their meds, there are no copays at the PID, no deductibles at the quarterly blood draws, etc. So, be sure to check with your county health department to see if they might have a similar program to assist families with kids with special needs/medical needs.

Also, there are other programs available such as the Ryan White foundation, which assists families with a child with HIV. As well as going directly to the pharmaceutical provider itself (get the generic names of the drugs your child will be taking) contact the drug provider, and ask for a rebate. You can use this rebate to cover the co pays that you have at the pharmacy. At the end of the day, there are lots of ways to get around paying for the meds.

So, what DO I do if my child is playing a sport and receives an injury while on the soccer field, or the wrestling match?

If the team is following proper protocol, they will use universal precautions and therefore there is nothing to fear. Remember, unless they are having unprotected sex, IV/drug needle sharing or birthing/breastfeeding a child, you should have nothing to fear.

“There are no documented cases of HIV being transmitted during participation in sports. The very low risk of transmission during sports participation would involve sports with direct body contact in which bleeding might be expected to occur.”
This is HUGE people. The reason the chance of being infected is so low? It's HARD to get HIV. It's a very fragile virus. Not to mention, if the person with HIV is on ARV's, their viral load is likely super low… making it that much harder to transmit to another person.

“When people take antiretrovirals, the amount of HIV in their body is decreased, making them much less likely to pass the virus to others. If we can get, and keep, more people on treatment, and reduce their virus levels, we can reduce the number of new people who are infected.”
Dr Gottfried Hirnschall, Director of the HIV Department at WHO

We hope that this information has been valuable to you as you prayerfully consider adopting a “positive” child. As for us, we believe it is one of the most amazing things that has happened to our family."
So, there you have it. A little bit of info on HIV adoption and how it really isn't as scary as maybe you might think. If you have any questions or would like to get connected to Katie, please let us know and we'll get you hooked up with the right people to answer your questions.

And Katie mentions Project Hopeful above, they're an awesome site for information.



  1. Join me celebrate for these great and perfect day which my lord God has done for using these great and powerful healing doctor called Prophet Suleman to heal my sickness HIV/AIDS which has been chocking me up for over 5years now without solutions, i have seek for solutions online, and through hospital, they keep on giving me orientations about drugs that can extend my since Prophet suleman has helped me to erased my disease out of my life, i we owe you greatly for healing me truly and to again, contact Prophet Suleman for HIV cure today at:

    1. i want to thank Dr DAN for what he has done for me and my daughter, i was suffering from HIV when i gave birth to my daughter and that was how my daughter got the sickness indirect from me, but to God be the glory that i am heal with the spell that DR DAN cast for me when i contacted him. i want to use this medium to tell everyone that the solution to our sickness has come, so i will like you to contact this great healer on his email address: BLESSEDSPELLHOME@HOTMAIL.COM with him all your pains will be gone, i am really happy today that i and my daughter are cured of HIV, we are now negative after the spell DR cast for me and my family,my doctor confirm it. once more i say a big thank to you Dr DAN for your healing hands upon my life and my daughter, i say may God continue to bless you abundantly and give you more power to keep helping those that want your help in their lives. problems like HIV AIDS, CANCER, KIDNEY PILE, SYPHILIS,. email him now he is waiting to receive you BLESSEDSPELLHOME@HOTMAIL.COM Or contact his number +1 (310) 751-7818

    2. i want to thank Dr DAN for what he has done for me and my daughter, i was suffering from HIV when i gave birth to my daughter and that was how my daughter got the sickness indirect from me, but to God be the glory that i am heal with the spell that DR DAN cast for me when i contacted him. i want to use this medium to tell everyone that the solution to our sickness has come, so i will like you to contact this great healer on his email address: BLESSEDSPELLHOME@HOTMAIL.COM with him all your pains will be gone, i am really happy today that i and my daughter are cured of HIV, we are now negative after the spell DR cast for me and my family,my doctor confirm it. once more i say a big thank to you Dr DAN for your healing hands upon my life and my daughter, i say may God continue to bless you abundantly and give you more power to keep helping those that want your help in their lives. problems like HIV AIDS, CANCER, KIDNEY PILE, SYPHILIS,. email him now he is waiting to receive you BLESSEDSPELLHOME@HOTMAIL.COM Or contact his number +1 (310) 751-7818

    3. i want to thank Dr DAN for what he has done for me and my daughter, i was suffering from HIV when i gave birth to my daughter and that was how my daughter got the sickness indirect from me, but to God be the glory that i am heal with the spell that DR DAN cast for me when i contacted him. i want to use this medium to tell everyone that the solution to our sickness has come, so i will like you to contact this great healer on his email address: BLESSEDSPELLHOME@HOTMAIL.COM with him all your pains will be gone, i am really happy today that i and my daughter are cured of HIV, we are now negative after the spell DR cast for me and my family,my doctor confirm it. once more i say a big thank to you Dr DAN for your healing hands upon my life and my daughter, i say may God continue to bless you abundantly and give you more power to keep helping those that want your help in their lives. problems like HIV AIDS, CANCER, KIDNEY PILE, SYPHILIS,. email him now he is waiting to receive you BLESSEDSPELLHOME@HOTMAIL.COM Or contact his number +1 (310) 751-7818

  2. Am here to testify for the good deeds Prophet sulemandid for me. I was a HIV patient until I met Prophet suleman who cured my disease, I was bothered, I don’t want to leave my family behind, I don’t want to die, that was my thought day and night, I was told about him ( Prophet suleman) by a friend of mine, he gave me his email address, which is I emailed him and told him my problems, he helped me by casting a direct spell on me, here am I today free from that bondage, I healed, you can contact him via email,


  3. All thanks to Prophet suleman for curing my hiv with his healing spell, i do not have much to say but with all my life i will for ever be grateful to him and God Almighty for using Prophet suleman to reach me when i thought it was all over, today i am happy with my two kids and my husband after the medical doctor have confirmed my HIV status Negative,i have never in my life believed that HIV could be cured by Prophet suleman healing spell. so i want to use this means to reach other persons who have this disease by testifying the power of Prophet suleman that all hope is not lost yet, try and contact him by any means for any kind of disease with his email and get your own healing too......

  4. Hello,my name is marl i want to testify no what Dr idadume did for me, i was
    infected with H.I.V disease wish cost me my relationship, and i was all
    alone till i met a friend of my who directed me to Dr idadume, i never
    believed in spell caster or voodoo till i met him, he casts a spell on me
    that cure me from H.I.V. if you need help or you have a problem, there is
    nothing Dr idadume can do,so e-mail him with this mail address:

  5. I have been suffering from HIV for years..i have tried all i could to get the best of drugs and improve my condition on medics but my condition have not improved even after spending lots of money trying to give myself the best..My illness has given me so much concern..I was introduced to a psychic site by a spell caster where I read a testimony of a woman cured of HIV permanently..I was baffled an interested in how she was cured and it was revealed that a spell caster helped her did a spell that cured her..I contacted the spell caster and explained my case to him..he helped me did same spell and told me to go for a test..I went for almost 5 checkups after the test and the medics all confirmed there is no traces of the virus in my system again..people that has been suffering from this illness can contact the spell caster on email;

  6. Hello my name is brown I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus
    that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 6 months I have
    being a HIV AID patient. I never think I live long again and am so
    grateful about him dr.Ahmed who cured my HIV AIDS last 3 weeks. I was
    in a great pain so I told one of my best friends; he told me that
    there is a great spell caster that can cure my HIV. I asked her if she
    had his email, she gave me his email, I emailed him he talked to me
    and he perform the necessary rituals and he told me that after two
    weeks I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me
    that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see
    another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet
    earth, so I emailed him and thanked him. Please if you are having a
    similar problem please visit him/contact him on or call him on, +2348147326843 or +2349037457544

    My mouth is short of words, i am so so happy because Dr.Ahmed
    has healed me from HIV ailment which i have been suffering from the
    past 5years now, i have spend alot when getting drugs from the
    hospital to keep me healthy, i have tried all means in life to always make sure i can become Hiv negative one day, but there was no answer until i
    found Dr from Dr.Ahmed the paris of african who provide me some
    healing spell that he uses to help me, now i am glad telling everyone
    that i am now HIV Negative, i am very very happy, thank you Dr.Ahmed
    for helping my life comes back newly without anyform of crisis, may
    the good lord that i serve bless you Dr.Ahmed and equip you to the
    higher grade for healing my life. i am so amazed. so i will announced
    to everyone in this whole world that is HIV positive to please follow
    my advice and get healed on time, because we all knows that HIV
    disease is a deadly type,contact Dr.Ahmed for your Hiv healing spell
    today at: He will be always happy to
    assist you online and ensure you get healed on time, contact Dr.Ahmed
    today for your healing spell immediately, thank you sir: call +2348147326843 or +2349037457544

  8. It is no longer news that the Acquired immune deficiency syndrome /Human Immuno Virus (HIV/AIDS) is increasing by the day. The fear is that many people living with the sickness are scared of saying it because of the stigma that comes along with it.I am bold enough among many others to state that there is now a potent cure to this sickness but many are unaware of it. I discovered that I was infected with the virus 8yrs ago, after a medical check-up. My doctor told me and I was shocked, confused and felt like my world has crumbled. I was dying slowly due the announcement of my medical practitioner but he assured me that I could lead a normal life if I took my medications (as there was no medically known cure to HIV). I went from churches to churches but soon found that my case needed urgent attention as I was growing lean due to fear of dying anytime soon. In a bid to looking for a lasting solution to my predicament, I sought for solutions from the voodoo world. I went online and searched for every powerful trado-medical practitioner that I could severe, cos I heard that the African Voodoo Priests had a cure to the HIV syndrome. It was after a little time surfing the web that I came across one DR IWAJOWA (A powerful African Voodoo Priest), who offered to help me at a monetary fee. I had to comply as this was my final bus-stop to receiving a perfect healing. My last resolve was to take my life by myself, should this plan fail. Alas! it worked out well. He gave my some steps to follow and I meticulously carried out all his instructions.
    Last month, 13 June, 2013, to be precise, I went back to the hospital to conduct another test and to my amazement, the results showed that " I am NEGATIVE".
    You can free yourself of this HIV virus by consulting this great African Voodoo Priest via this e-mail: IWAJOWATELLERSPELL@YAHOO.COM OR CALL +2348103508204 He will help you

  9. It is no longer news that the Acquired immune deficiency syndrome /Human Immuno Virus (HIV/AIDS) is increasing by the day. The fear is that many people living with the sickness are scared of saying it because of the stigma that comes along with it.I am bold enough among many others to state that there is now a potent cure to this sickness but many are unaware of it. I discovered that I was infected with the virus 8yrs ago, after a medical check-up. My doctor told me and I was shocked, confused and felt like my world has crumbled. I was dying slowly due the announcement of my medical practitioner but he assured me that I could lead a normal life if I took my medications (as there was no medically known cure to HIV). I went from churches to churches but soon found that my case needed urgent attention as I was growing lean due to fear of dying anytime soon. In a bid to looking for a lasting solution to my predicament, I sought for solutions from the voodoo world. I went online and searched for every powerful trado-medical practitioner that I could severe, cos I heard that the African Voodoo Priests had a cure to the HIV syndrome. It was after a little time surfing the web that I came across one DR IWAJOWA (A powerful African Voodoo Priest), who offered to help me at a monetary fee. I had to comply as this was my final bus-stop to receiving a perfect healing. My last resolve was to take my life by myself, should this plan fail. Alas! it worked out well. He gave my some steps to follow and I meticulously carried out all his instructions.
    Last month, 13 June, 2013, to be precise, I went back to the hospital to conduct another test and to my amazement, the results showed that " I am NEGATIVE".
    You can free yourself of this HIV virus by consulting this great African Voodoo Priest via this e-mail: IWAJOWATELLERSPELL@YAHOO.COM OR CALL +2348103508204 He will help you

  10. Thanks to this great man drogbeslovetemple that i melt on this
    site. i am tracy from canada I am married to adam we both live in
    nigeria. i was an HIV/AIDS victim. i had this sickness
    for over 4years i do
    visit hospital always before the virus grow from
    HIV to AIDS. I was just at
    the point of death with shame after i have lose
    every thing in my life even my marriage and my
    Children left me until my close relative sarah direct me to
    this site to look for
    great drogbeslovetemple for healing and cleaning. when i
    read the testimony people say of his good works and they called him drogbes so i
    quickly is cell phone number to get in touch with
    him immediately because i sold all my computer
    and valuable things to get drugs and pay bills. It
    so amazing to see my self back to my feet with
    every thing i have lost. i am very happy because
    drogbes did not only cure my sickness but he
    restructure my life by bringing back my husband and my children cashier Nissan and barbra
    every thing i lost to the course of this sickness
    (HIV/AIDS). i do not really no where to start from
    in appreciating you drogbes am and the authour
    of this site. please my people out there do not
    play with your problems, go out and seeks for the
    help of great drogbes he heal me without
    future problem or hidden charges. now i am free
    from HIV/Aids and MY wife, my joy and happiness
    are back. please with out a second choice go
    great drogbes for the betterment of your life.
    you can also can him with +2348102380983

  11. Hello everyone my name is Gavin Anne I’m here to share a testimony on how my HIV was cure by a herbal doctor with the help of herbal medicine and herbal soap, As we all know medically, there is no solution or cure for HIV and the cost for Medication is very expensive. Someone introduced me to a man (Native Medical Practitioner) I showed the man all my Tests and Results and I told him i have already diagnosed with HIV and have spent thousands of dollars on medication. I said I will like to try him cause someone introduced me to him. He asked me sorts of questions and I answered him correctly. To cut the story short, He gave me some medicinal soaps and some herbs and he thought me how am going to use them all. At first I was skeptical but I just gave it a try. I was on his Medication for 2 weeks and I used all the soaps and herbs according to his prescription. That he will finish the rest himself. And I called him 3 days after, I arrived and I told him what is the next thing he said, he has been expecting my call. He told me to visit my doctor for another test. Honestly speaking, i never believe all he was saying until after the test when my doctor mention the statement that am, HIV negative and the doctor started asking me how come about the cure, And I make a promise to Dr Ayewah that if I’m heal I will testify his good work in my life, if there is anyone out there who may need the help of Dr Ayewah you can email him via his email address For any type of sickness he can cure any disease.

  12. Hello everyone my name is Gavin Anne I’m here to share a testimony on how my HIV was cure by a herbal doctor with the help of herbal medicine and herbal soap, As we all know medically, there is no solution or cure for HIV and the cost for Medication is very expensive. Someone introduced me to a man (Native Medical Practitioner) I showed the man all my Tests and Results and I told him i have already diagnosed with HIV and have spent thousands of dollars on medication. I said I will like to try him cause someone introduced me to him. He asked me sorts of questions and I answered him correctly. To cut the story short, He gave me some medicinal soaps and some herbs and he thought me how am going to use them all. At first I was skeptical but I just gave it a try. I was on his Medication for 2 weeks and I used all the soaps and herbs according to his prescription. That he will finish the rest himself. And I called him 3 days after, I arrived and I told him what is the next thing he said, he has been expecting my call. He told me to visit my doctor for another test. Honestly speaking, i never believe all he was saying until after the test when my doctor mention the statement that am, HIV negative and the doctor started asking me how come about the cure, And I make a promise to Dr Ayewah that if I’m heal I will testify his good work in my life, if there is anyone out there who may need the help of Dr Ayewah you can email him via his email address For any type of sickness he can cure any disease.

  13. i want to thank Dr DAN for what he has done for me and my daughter, i was suffering from HIV when i gave birth to my daughter and that was how my daughter got the sickness indirect from me, but to God be the glory that i am heal with the spell that DR DAN cast for me when i contacted him. i want to use this medium to tell everyone that the solution to our sickness has come, so i will like you to contact this great healer on his email address: BLESSEDSPELLHOME@HOTMAIL.COM with him all your pains will be gone, i am really happy today that i and my daughter are cured of HIV, we are now negative after the spell DR cast for me and my family,my doctor confirm it. once more i say a big thank to you Dr DAN for your healing hands upon my life and my daughter, i say may God continue to bless you abundantly and give you more power to keep helping those that want your help in their lives. problems like HIV AIDS, CANCER, KIDNEY PILE, SYPHILIS,. email him now he is waiting to receive you BLESSEDSPELLHOME@HOTMAIL.COM Or contact his number +1 (310) 751-7818

  14. Wow: who will ever believe that a herb can cure HIV Virus, i never believe that this will work i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy,i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution out so that my body can be okay. One day I was in the office thinking where I can go to get solution. so a friend walked to my office as me why am I so sad and i open up all to her telling her my problem, she told me that she can help me out, she introduce me to a doctor who uses herbal medication to cure HIV VIRUS and she gave me his email, so i mail him.He told me all the things I need to do and also give me instructions to take, which I followed properly. Before I knew what is happening after two weeks To my greatest surprise after patiently going according to instruction given to me by this man called Dr OSAKA and i went for a medical test and the result was negative. I want to say thanks to Dr OSAKA who God have sent to heal is people and God will bless you for the good work you are doing. you can also contact this great and powerful man if you have this problem his via email; that why am sharing this post to everyone who still have HIV/aids or HSV VIRUS he do it for me will also do it for you.his lot number:+2348158667106 or his

  15. I infected my husband with Hiv virus, and we started taking medication for us to live healthy. There was a day i went online and search for cure for our virus, i saw many comment and many post until i saw a testimony about DR FARA and how he helped so many people get cure to their virus on the site. I contacted him and told him how i and my husband got our Hiv virus, he told me what we will have to do, which we did. After he finished, he told me that we will take his medication for a weeks which we also did so and 2 weeks ago we went for test and surprisingly i and my husband are now HIV negative. I am so happy that i got my husband infected and i also make him negative. All thanks goes to God for bringing DR FARA my way and at this point if there's anybody who is infected and you think there's no way of making yourself negative again i must tell you, that's a lie because DR FARA will make you negative again. contact DR FARA via Email: or call him +2348054265852

  16. UNBELIEVABLE MIRACLE!!!!!!!!! for more than 9 years now,i have been suffering from HIV and one of my friends linked me with Dr Idogei, and i contacted him via his email(, I told him about my health status and i also requested for his medications, he told me not to worry that he was going to prepare the herbal medicine for me which i was to drink for some weeks. he gave me directions on how to get his medicine after all the process i received the Herbal Medications which he sent to me here in my country, and i used them daily as i was directed and now i have regain my health. I did some couple of test for HIV again and i was confirmed Negative from different hospitals.

  17. hello friends I am Wanda dancy from U S A. God is be really good to me in my life, before people said there is no cure on H.P.V TYPE, but today many people have now believe that there is a cure FOR H.P.V/ IT can be cured through Africans root and herbs, our great doctors have finally found the cure of H.P.V, many have get cured with the help of a great spell caster known as Dr uwa he's the one of the great spell herbal doctor in Africa and he has the cure on this disease H.P.V/TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 AND TYPE 4. TYPE 5, human papilomavirus, genital warts, herpes, syphilis, cancer, hepatitis a b and c. hire blood pressures, body disease, diabetics, epilepsy, HIV aids, pregnancy,ALS and many difference kinds of diseases, last month he share is Herbal medicine in some medical hospital and now he is well recognize as one of the best spell caster in Africa, you don't have to be sad any more or share your tears any more on this disease when the cure have already be found. in 2015 the total number of people living with H.P.V was 5.8 million but today the total number is now 2.0 million, if you want to get in touch with him in private contact him on this e-mail below: cell phone contact +2349052627511 his whatsapp contact is +2348063930531. so now contact him and get rid of your disease. immediately because this disease are not melt for us, with GOD all things are possible, so GOD has use this great dr uwa of dr uwa herbal center to let people no that this disease are not actually melt for us. and also here is my email address you can get in contact with me if you wish to no more about this great wonderful herbal doctor that has so much made me believe in him ok, so here is my email address thanks everybody and most especially you dr uwa of

  18. hello everybody ,please this testimony is true life story ,is real ,am a very honest man ,i can never post false testimony on social media ,so let me go straight to the point .me and my wife was diagnosed with HPV/WART for two years,living a life of fear for two good years .until one day i saw a post about a good herbalist in west Africa curing people from a deadly disease,such HIV/AIDS, HERPES (HSV1, HSV2), (HPV) ACUTE RETROVIRAL SYNDROME (ARS), CANCER, VITILIGO, DIABETES, HEPATITIS B. CANCER, CELIAC, ALS, CHLAMYDIA, STROKE and any kind of Deadly DISEASES,with his herbal medicine and he is also a spell caster, i thought it was not true,then i said let me try ,because am used to trying ,i have been trying for two years, until that day GOD wipe my tears,with DR TWINS, He his gifted ,and he is so honest ,so easy to get along with ,so after i contacted him via his email. ( ),so he replied and said my problem is solved that i must stop thinking,so i believed and have faith that i will be cured ,so i purchased the herbal medicine and he sent the herbal medicine to me through courier service ,when i received it ,he told me how to use it ,so i followed exactly the way he said i must use it,he said i will be totally cured after two weeks ,so after two week i went to see our family doctor he tested me and said am negative ,i was so happy i thought i was dreaming ,please don:t ignore this post ,if you think is not real try and you will testify just like me ....thanks to DR TWINS ,GOD BLESS you sir, you can also contact me

  19. hello everybody ,please this testimony is true life story ,is real ,am a very honest man ,i can never post false testimony on social media ,so let me go straight to the point .me and my wife was diagnosed with HPV/WART for two years,living a life of fear for two good years .until one day i saw a post about a good herbalist in west Africa curing people from a deadly disease,such HIV/AIDS, HERPES (HSV1, HSV2), (HPV) ACUTE RETROVIRAL SYNDROME (ARS), CANCER, VITILIGO, DIABETES, HEPATITIS B. CANCER, CELIAC, ALS, CHLAMYDIA, STROKE and any kind of Deadly DISEASES,with his herbal medicine and he is also a spell caster, i thought it was not true,then i said let me try ,because am used to trying ,i have been trying for two years, until that day GOD wipe my tears,with DR TWINS, He his gifted ,and he is so honest ,so easy to get along with ,so after i contacted him via his email. ( ),so he replied and said my problem is solved that i must stop thinking,so i believed and have faith that i will be cured ,so i purchased the herbal medicine and he sent the herbal medicine to me through courier service ,when i received it ,he told me how to use it ,so i followed exactly the way he said i must use it,he said i will be totally cured after two weeks ,so after two week i went to see our family doctor he tested me and said am negative ,i was so happy i thought i was dreaming ,please don:t ignore this post ,if you think is not real try and you will testify just like me ....thanks to DR TWINS ,GOD BLESS you sir, you can also contact me

  20. 5 years ago I had warts, I was treated with some liquid applied to the warts they continued to grow and spread... The next 2 doctors did laser surgery to remove them. 1 year after the surgery, they grew back close to where the 1st ones were' so I was finally told it was hpv. I have had it for very long time, I contract it from my cheated boyfriend and I found out he was also infected and I end up the relationship between us. the warts was so embarrasses because it started spreading all over I have be dealing with this things for very long time the last treatment I take was About 2 years ago I applied natural treatment from Dr onokun herbal cure, a week after applying the treatment all the warts was gone. it's now 2 years and some months I don't have single wart or any symptoms of hpv. wow"" it's great, Dr onokun has finally cured me. Anyone living with hpv contact Dr onokun for natural treatment.
    His email address:

  21. How can i ever stop saying thank you to Dr Movo, After taking his product today my sexual life is health and balance am living up to my wife expectation. For the past 11 years i have been struggling with weak erection and premature ejaculation. I have spend money on it but no cure until i took this product from Dr Movo just within few days i got cured. for his products contact him email or WhatsApp/Call +2347061865209.

  22. i already gave up on ever getting cured of HSV2 because i have try many treatment none of them work out for me i have go to different hospital they always tell me same thing there is no cure for herpes when i came across a post about Dr ohunyom, in the net from a lady called Angela i contacted him and he reassured me with him herbal medicine which i took according to the way he instructed, that how i was cured. I doubted at first because i have been to a whole lot of reputable doctors, tried a lot of medicines but none was able to cure me. so i decided to listen to him and he commenced treatment, and under two weeks i was totally fee from #Herpes. i want to say a very big thank you to DR ohunyom for what he has done in my life. feel free to leave him a message on email and also WhatsApp him +2349060579973..
    He can still be able to help you with this herbs medicine:

  23. Hi Friends!!

    I am so glad to writing this article today to tell the world how Dr. Owobami Ayedun cured my HSV VIRUS. I have been suffering from this awful disease five years ago, ever since then my life has been incomplete bizarre and agony,I have used so many drugs that were prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HSV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, until a certain day when I was checking for solution in the internet, then miraculously came across Dr. Owobami Ayedun the powerful herbalist that cures numerous individuals of HSV 1-2, ALS, HBV, HIV, and other deadly diseases, then I contacted him directly through his email: and explained everything to him and he told me not to worry anymore that this is the end of my herpes virus. I placed an order after 6 days I receive his herbal medicine and he gave me instruction on how to use it. Today I am here happily sharing my cure to everyone to know that Dr.Owobami Ayedun has the cure to any disease or virus. He can also cast a Love spell to get your ex-husband, wife, boyfriend, and girlfriend back. Anyone reading this post should share and refer to others who need help to cure to contact Dr.Owobami Ayedun for a lasting solution.
