Monday, July 21, 2014

Introducing the Anderson Family

Meet Amber and Micheal Anderson and their children Seth, Evie, and Gillian!

The Andersons are adopting Xing, age 11, and WeiQiang, age 6, from China. Xing had a brain injury either during birth or shortly after. He has hydrocephalus (post operative), brain differences to his right hemisphere, and left side paralysis. WeiQiang has a genetic blood disorder, Beta Thalassemia Major.

Michael & Amber have been married just shy of 14 years. They decided they would have a large family, probably six children, and then, when those children were grown, they would start a new wave of children through adoption. As it turned out, after 3 bio children, biology made that initial plan impossible. Instead of mourning, they moved up their adoption plans! They are certified foster & adoptive parents through their state, but were unable to secure a permanent placement.

They never intended to seek international adoption, but after discovering a special needs adoption site called Reece’s Rainbow completely by chance, they began to research the terrible conditions in foreign orphanages and their hearts were softened that international adoption wasn’t for ‘someday’ when they had more money but that, as MLK said, “The time is always right to do what is right.”
Follow the Andersons at:

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